A phylogeny of the Korean Echinochloa taxa derived from nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer regi
The phylogenetic relationship of Hexapoda has been debated for a long time, which will be resolved mainly depending on t......
New fossil eccoptarthrids (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning
One new genus and three new species of the weevil family Eccoptarthridae (Curculionoidea), Leptocar polychaetus gen. et ......
将采自贵州省各主要地州县的白发藓属Leucobryum,标本187号,鉴定出本属植物9种1变种,其中糙叶白发藓L.scaberulum Card。为贵州的首次记录。在参考在并文献和本次研究......
本文发表了产于云南昭通地区的竹子7新种和1新变型:少刺方竹Chimonobambusa paucispinosa,荆竹Qiongzhuea montig-ena,棱纹玉山竹Y......
<正> 新记录属1 大戟科铁苋菜属Acalypha L.Sp.Pl.1003.1753.铁苋菜A.australis L.Sp.Pl.1004.1753; Fl.URSS 14:299.t.1......
Responses of different biodiversity indices to subsampling efforts in lotic macroinvertebrate assemb
As a less time-consuming procedure,subsampling technology has been widely used in biological monitoring and assessment p......
The combined effects of climate change and human pressure have led to the progressive degradation of natural resources i......
Comparative Morphology and Identification of Disassociated Crocodiliform Osteoderms from the Upper C
Since 1993,Many hundreds of isolated crocodileform osteoderms have been recovered from the Maevarano Formation of Northw......
From 2000 to 2019,11,895 new names or new additions to the Chinese vascular flora were proposed by 4226 individuals(4086......
本文建立了一个静态税收可计算一般均衡 (CGE)模型 ,模拟中国的经济运行情况。在此基础上 ,从流转税制和所得税制两种不同类型的税......